Newshound | Stop, Think, Check | Lesson 4

L.I To stop, think and check to find out what artical is false and true.

For cybersmart we learned about stop, think and check to find out if the artical is false or true.

Kahu and I had to figure out what actical stop, think and check, by looking at the artical to see when it was posted, or to see if anyone else also posted the artical, or to find out if it is false.

The first artical we did look at was “Kid goes blind after eating too much french fries”. Kahu and I searched up the artical and another person also uploaded the same artical and it shows that it is false.

The next artical we did was only for one of us to do. So the artical I did was “Spanish flu vaccine kill millions”. I did the needed intructions that I needed to do and found out that it was false because the didn’t kill millions in 1918. It happened in 1933.

The one that Kahu did was “Disney Space Mountain Prank”. The artical said that a disney employee let two kids on the Disney Space Mountain and they went missing. Kahu looked in the artical more and found out that it was false. He also found another artical and it also said that it was false.

Me and Kahu found this challenging because we had to find out if it was true or false and we had to look at more websites to see if other people did the same thing.

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