Tag: Summer Learning Journey

Comic Strip

For today’s task, we were assigned to make a comic strip about a day at the beach. We used different props to help create a day at the beach. as well as different expressions on their face to show the feeling in that scene.

I found this activity fun because we were able to create our own story using our different ideas.


Our challenge for the summer learning journey was to design a nemesis that is used to rival the superhero. I built on this challenge by creating a DLO that explained who our Nemesis is, what their strengths and abilities are and what happened to them. My nemesis is Beerus the God of Destruction.

I found this activity interesting because I got to create my own nemesis for my superhero.


Our challenge for the summer learning journey was to design a superhero that is used to represent Samoa. I built on this challenge by creating a slide that explained who our superhero was, their backstory, what their strengths and weaknesses were. My superhero is Fujitora the Beast of Samoa.

I found this activity interesting because I got to create my own cultural superhero.

Summer Learning Journey | Nano Girl

For this weeks summer learning journey we did a nano girl activity where we have to find materials around our classroom. The materials that was needed to be found were string, a tub, scissiors, a ruler and half a piece of paper. Our tube was made out of cardboard but you can use paper for it. We found this activity interesting because we had to find each material and create a kit for us to use.

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