Moment in time

Our group wrote a poem based on our senses like auditory, tactile, visual, and kinesthetic. We used our prior knowledge of the senses and unpacked different words and ideas that describes the Hunua Falls. These moment in time poems represent our experience at Kokako Lodge. One of our ideas were, I heard the roaring sound of the freshwater, as it was plunging into the liquid surface below, intercepting my auditory senses. We then used word hippo to find more powerful words to strengthen our poems.

I found this activity challenging because the senses was hard to remember for our powerful words we explored on word hippo.


LI: To remember and give information about Kokako Lodge

After camp, we created a brochure about information and highlights about our experiences at Kokako Lodge. We used our persuasive skills and gave reasons to why our audience would want to go. We used pictures to show what it is like at Kokako Lodge and what they provide for you.

I found this activity interesting because I learnt new things about camp and listing everthing I did.


Our challenge today was to learn how to get the boat ready, rig the sails, check for safety, launch the boat and have a go at sailing. Our coaches Colin, Steph and Holly taught us…

  • How to operate the boat.
  • Life jackets/wetsuits and how to help others get back into theirs boats.
  • How to tow other people boats.
  • Capsizing meaning tipping over the boat and how recapsize our boats.

My favourite part fo the day was when we did simon says in the water because Steph told us crazy simon says dares to do. I would like to thank the St Johns Rotary for giving us the awesome opportunity.