Tag: Art

Silhouette bird Art

LI: To learn how to use tone, blending and different brush strokes with paint.

We have been learning how to corporate tones, blending and brush strokes with our art using paint. We chose a bird that is endemic to New Zealand and researched five facts about them. We chose birds because the New Zealand bird of the year award is going to be announced soon on the 31st of October. We looked through different videos that taught us about the technique used in order to get a nice background.

I found this activity exciting because I got to learn about new technics for painting and got to have a good result out of it.

Bee Art

We made a insect art by using natural resources and using them to create a bee.

Raku Inque is a person who can use outdoor materials and turn them into beautiful insects.

 The materials we used the materials to create a bee. This bee is made from sticks, chopped wood, leaves, and other materials. 


Agent of Change

An Agent of Change is someone who makes switches to their learning opportunities.

Each year we set goals for ourselves to help us strengthen our connections to our learning and challenge themselves. LS2 uses the phrase ‘Agents of Change’ as this is how we see ourselves.

My DLO shows the goals I have set myself this year so that I can become an Agent of Change. 

Kandinsky Art

LI:to use colours that relate to your emotions from the music

For the past couple of weeks LS2 has been investigating mood and atmosphere.

We started by reading a variety of ANZAC poems, and highlighting how each sentence made us feel. Afterwards we answered different questions about how we felt during the poems.

Our next step was to listen to a montage of music, and use colours to represent how we felt listening to each song. The circles had to be concentric, meaning they started in the middle of our page, and progressed outwards.

This art was based on a Russian artist by the name of Wassily Kandinsky. He would normally listen to opera music and paint how he feels.  

The kandinsky art was a good idea to show your emotions in painting.

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