Year: 2023

Comic Strip

For today’s task, we were assigned to make a comic strip about a day at the beach. We used different props to help create a day at the beach. as well as different expressions on their face to show the feeling in that scene.

I found this activity fun because we were able to create our own story using our different ideas.


Our challenge for the summer learning journey was to design a nemesis that is used to rival the superhero. I built on this challenge by creating a DLO that explained who our Nemesis is, what their strengths and abilities are and what happened to them. My nemesis is Beerus the God of Destruction.

I found this activity interesting because I got to create my own nemesis for my superhero.


Our challenge for the summer learning journey was to design a superhero that is used to represent Samoa. I built on this challenge by creating a slide that explained who our superhero was, their backstory, what their strengths and weaknesses were. My superhero is Fujitora the Beast of Samoa.

I found this activity interesting because I got to create my own cultural superhero.

Inchcape Rock

LI: To find and summarise the story behind the poem


The ship sat still with
no wind or waves near.
The ring of the bell
called out a warning sound
Abbot placed the bell there
floating and swung during storms
Mariners heard the warning blessing
Abbot for the bells sound
The day was filled with
joy in the shimmering air
Sir Ralph had seen the
inchcape bell in the ocean
Sir Ralph had felt overjoyed
then he saw Rover’s mirth
His main priority was to
get to the inchcape rock
As the boat Lowered Sir
ralph headded to the rock
The bell sunk down taking the
blessing of Abbot under the sea
Sir Ralph sail’d away growing
richer sailing towards Scotland shore
The Clouds had blocked the
sun with the wind blowing
On the boat the group
had not seen any land
The crew Regretted cutting the
bell as they desire Guidance
The group grown shock as
the boat hit The rock
Sir Ralph learnt his lesson
as he heard the bell


Our challenge was to unpack the story behind the 17 verses of the poem Inchcape Rock by Robert Southy. The part I found interesting was that Sir Ralph got his Karma when he cut the bell by sinking his boat.

I found this activity suprising because I never knew the inchcape rock had a story behind it

Phares dans la Tempete, la Jument

LI: To use your smart searching skills to find the story behind this picture

Our challenge was to write create a DLO that shows where this lighthouse is and what the story is behind the image. We found out that the Phares dans la Tempete, la Jument is a lighthouse in France that took place in 1989, where it was i4n the Brittany coast.

I found this activity interesting because this tells about story behind the photo of the lighthouse.

Cultural Superheroes

LI: To describe your superhero

Our challenge was to design a DLO of the story they are in using key vocabulary from all our T- shaped units to describe them and their attributes. We built on this challenge by creating a slide that explained who our superhero was, their backstory, what their strengths and weaknesses were and who their nemesis was. My superhero is Fujitora the Beast of Samoa.

I found this activity interesting because I got to create my own cultural superhero.

What happened down the stairs?

LI: To understand the 5 senses can be used to strengthen a description

Our challenge was to co construct a text using the olfactory, auditory, gustatorial, visual and kinesthetic senses to describe the story behind the shoes in this image. This time we were able to speak and sat facing our partners. 

Once we had completed this part of the challenge we joined together with another group to share our writing and make sure what we had written made sense and had met the language feature challenge.

I found this activity interesting because we used our collaboration to create this story.

These shoes have a story

L.I To use the 5 senses and personification to help us paint a picture with words.

L.I To understand that personification is to give an inanimate object human qualities

Last week, we did a collaborative task about writing a story about what it would be like if you weree a shoe.

This task was to have a partner and one partner writes the first sentence of the story and the other partner continues it on and you do this back and forth until the end. We also had to do this back to back and had to be silent. My partner and I wrote this story talking about how the shoe felt when it was with its owner at school, and it wasn’t a pleasant journey. Then we had to partner up with another group and swap our stories to see how many points we got from using punctuation and vocabulary. For example a full stop in a sentence is 1 point and brackets are 5 points.

I found this activity interesting because we used our collaboration to create this story.

CARE Award | How to make a DLO

I am currently working on my confidence badge. To achieve this my challenge is to complete 5 tasks that help me strengthen my connections to the PBS CARE value of confidence. Confidence . My challenge in this task was to show junior how to create a DLO.

This activity was interesting because this DLO can help our new students using devices how to create a DLO to explain their activity to others.

Something happened here

L.I: To learn how to seach and unravel the past/history of New Zealand

Many New Zealand residents understood that the US has a lot of nuclear weapons and also uses nuclear power in some of its warships.  As part of the ANZUS alliance the US planned to send its warships to New Zealand harbours for visits.

Fast forward 20 years and many New Zealanders are opposed to having nuclear warships in our harbours as it poses a hazard to the residence as nuclear reactors can contaminate the water and cause massive damage to the environment and numerous other safety hazards.

Following this statement a man named George Armstrong organised a peace squadron to intercept the USS Haddo from entering Waitemata harbour, the squadron consisted of kayaks, boats, dinghies, and other water vessels.

Following the end of world war , France tested their nuclear weapons in the pacific ocean causing an uproar amongst New Zealand citizens as they believe it will cause environmental damage. Due to people getting angry that the French government is testing nuclear weapons in the Pacific, Prime Minister Norman Kirk sent a Navy ship, Otago, to Mururoa to protest against the French nuclear testing. In that ship was a television crew and all the images of the test were shown to people all around the world.

Soon after the french government stopped testing their weapons in the pacific and decided to test them underground. Due to the previous two incidents the New Zealand people were outraged and they joined a nuclear free movement symbolically declaring their schools, towns, clubs and facilities ‘Nuclear Free’ because of this, the nuclear free campaign was born.

A debate about whether New Zealand should be ‘Nuclear Free’ took place in Parliament. Marilyn Waring, a Government MP,’crossed the floor’ to vote with the Opposition who support a ‘Nuclear Free’ New Zealand. This caused the Prime Minister, Robert Muldoon, to call a ‘snap election’.

David Lange campaigns on a policy that New Zealand will become ‘Nuclear Free’. His party won the election, he became Prime Minister, and New Zealand became the first country in the world to declare itself ‘Nuclear Free’.

I found this activity interesting as it helps others understand that incidents that happened during this time.